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At ClickOnHR, we are your HR On-Demand Business Partner. We help startups & fast growing U.S. Small Businesses with outsourced Virtual HR services by weighing all potential risks to your company, developing integrative solutions, and executing results to protect your company and its employees.



I'm a business owner

and need HR help

I'm an HR person and 

need help ASAP

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Staying ahead of changing HR laws & regulations, and keeping your employees informed of them with transparent communications, place extreme demands on you, and/or your HR department. We offer solutions to

CEO, CFO, Smal Businss Owners and Preidents for HR Needs, Human Resources in Houston
  • CEOs

  • CFOs

  • Small Business Owners 

  • Presidents & Investors' boards 

HR Sevice Houton, online human resources, human resouce needs, HR Directors, business partnes, HR coordinators, HR Personnel additioal support
  • HR Directors

  • Business Partners

  • HR coordinators

  • Any HR personnel that need additional support

office manages HR issues, human resource support
  • Office Managers who handles miscellaneous HR issues & need support on all fronts

We provide integrative services to build your very own HR department to ensure you remain in compliance, allowing you to focus on your growth.



By staying ahead of changing HR Laws & Regulations and keeping your employees informed of them with transparent communications that would place extreme demands on you and/or your HR department, we offer solutions to

  • CEOs

  • CFOs

  • Small Business Owners 

  • Presidents & Investors' boards 

  • HR Directors

  • Business Partners

  • HR coordinators

  • Any HR personnel that need additional support

  • Office Managers who handle miscellaneous HR issues & need support on all fronts

We provide integrative services to build your very own Virtual HR department to ensure you remain in compliance, allowing you to focus on your growth.

Whether you're backed by private equity, venture capital or private investors, we personally work with you to learn about your business niche, your differentiators in the industry and most importantly, your employees in the workforce. Our extensive experience in the HR & Compliance industry has taught us that every business, business owner, decision maker, stake-holder and employee is different; and our results-oriented, client-based solutions are designed with intent and care for both you and the employee to protect your biggest asset, YOUR COMPANY

In any company, human resource issues are the ones that get quickly magnified and worsen by the minute, which is why we offer on demand services to put your mind at ease by simply calling us. Whether it's a simple payroll question or you're confused about FLSA based class action lawsuits, we're just a phone call or click away! No matter how trivial or extreme your HR challenge might be, we are here to help!

puppy pic


Our Human Resource Consultants can help you...

Draft company handbooks, policy manuals and procedures to minimize liability and ensure compliance with all laws and regulations.

Explain and advise on the application of Title VII regulations and other anti-discrimination provisions in the law that apply to the hiring and firing of employees and to the terms and conditions of employment.

Provide guidance on employee benefits issues including compliance with the requirements of the Affordable Care Act as well as the Family and Medical Leave Act and the Employee Retirement Income and Security Act (ERISA)

Prepare employment and severance contracts as well as separation agreements.

Keep your business updated on legal developments that affect business operations.

Advise employers on discrimination and harassment issues

Assist employees to manage layoffs and plant closures in compliance with the law.

Provide management training to make it easier for managers and supervisors to comply with requirements and avoid making mistakes that could result in liability for the company.

Assist with compliance of workers' compensation laws and advise employers on workers' compensation claims management.

Stand-Up Meeting


We work with startups, fast growing businesses, and established companies to cut through the burdens of hiring, taxes, paperwork and compliance issues, so you can focus on growing your business. Businesses that benefit the most from our services are dynamic companies that place a heavy focus on business optimization and/or growing in multiple locations, and start-up organizations working aggressively toward an exit strategy. We have worked with established businesses across various industries in both public & private sectors, including Oil & Gas, Manufacturing, Construction & Technology. Our diverse industry experience provides you with an HR partner that understands the unique culture, workforce and regulatory requirements in your business.

We will contact you soon!



ClickOnHR is here to help you!

ClickOnHR welcomes you!

705 W Wadley Ave., Suite 210

Midland, TX 79705

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